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Bibliographical Research

aufgeschlagene Bücher mit Papierblock und Stift, dekorativ

Bibliographical Research

We offer an extensive bibliographical research service both within our holdings and in databases.


Borrowing, renewing, reserving, organising, …

Opac contains the library’s holdings (books, journals, DVDs, e-books …)
You will find content matter like chapter headings, contributions to compilations and articles in journals in Opac plus or in subject databases.
By using * you can search for multiple word endings. Use the extended search option for a more detailed search.


Bestandsnachweis PH Bibliothek, dekorativ
By using Opac you can open a library account and renew loans.

Opac plus


Pre-requites for use

In order to use Opac plus effectively it is best to be logged into the university network. So if you are working off-campus log into Opac plus or Shibboleth.

Parallel search

With one search query you can search "Books& more" and "Articles & more" at the same time. This allows you to search the library holdings and subject databases at the same time. In the case of a high number of hits, you can limit the result, for example, to media types, years of publication, languages, persons or keywords.

Books & more

"Books & more" is based on the local data on the holdings of the LUE library. In addition, e-books from the national licence holdings and licence-free electronic resources are also offered here. There is hardly any data on articles here and you will mostly only find the journal titles.
The module also displays the availability of the information sources found in the library and the respective locations.

Articles & more

Under the title "Articles & more" you can search a "global" index of the company EBSCO. It contains several hundred million references to articles from journals, collected editions and newspapers, among others. In some cases you will also find full texts. The hits are sorted by relevance, but can also be re-sorted by date, for example.
Not all the articles found here will be available in the library. You can check availability in each case. If you need something that we do not have in the library, please contact our inter-library loan service.

Startseite des Recherchekataloges Opac Plus, dekorativ


The database information system (DBIS) provides you with a collection of all databases licensed for LUE (bibliographical databases, full-text and fact databases, etc.) as well as freely accessible databases on the internet.

You can view the databases either alphabetically or by subject area group.

Please note the “traffic light system”:
               green = free access
               yellow= access only on LUE campus or via VPN

Startseite von DBIS
Via DBIS you can find article databases, full-text collections, newspaper archives, dictionaries, encyclopaedias, bibliographies, etc. A total of over 5,000 databases of various kinds are available.

Electronic Journals

The Electronic Journals Library (EZB) is a service for accessing academic full-text journals on the internet.

Please note the “traffic light system”:
               green = free access to full texts
               yellow= access to full texts on LUE campus or via VPN
               red = no access, at most to tables of contents or similar.

Startoberfläche der Elektronischen Zeitschriftenbilbiothek, dekorativ
EZB provides fast and structured access to the LUE library's electronic journals.