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Zoom Sessions on Social Inequality, Difference and Nationalism

Zoom Sessions on Social Inequality, Difference and Nationalism

With lectures by Anette Lareau and Blair Sackett as well as Michalinos Zembylas.

ECER Network 19 provides a space for researchers interested in educational ethnography, at all career stages. Our ethnography zoom sessions aim at facilitating dialogue, particularly concerning methodological innovation, ethnographic research ethics, and ethnographic insights into different fields of education. In spring, we will talk about issues of social inequality, difference and nationalism.

What you can expect: Our zoom sessions create a space for dialogue on ethnographic methods and practice. Participating in a zoom session, you will meet an educational ethnographer presenting their current work. You will have an opportunity to discuss with fellow ethnographers after the presentation and get into dialogue with the presenter. 

Please note that registration is necessary to participate in the zoom sessions.

For further Information and registration forms please use the followings links:

Organised by the European Educational Research Association, Network 19: Ethnography. 
Spring term 2025 sessions are curated by Substitute Professor Florian Weitkämper, University of Education Ludwigsburg. florian.weitkaemper(at)ph-ludwigsburg.de