Module ‘Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement’, VM I MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, 24th-26th September 2020
Module ‘Scientific writing, presenting and publishing in English’, iubh Bremen, 31st July, 1st August, 8th August 2020
Lecture and workshop‘Qualitative Methoden’, Basismodul V, MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, 12th February 2020
Module ‘Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement’, VM I MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer, 26th-28th September 2019
Lecture and workshop ‘Qualitative Methoden’, Basismodul V, MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, 13th February 2019
Seminar ‘Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden: Interviews und Fokusgruppen. Innovationsradar: Seminar für Rechtsreferendare, Speyer, 2nd November 2018
Module ‘Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement’, VM I MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer 6th-8th September (module coordinator)
Workshop ‘Qualitätsmanagement in Studium und Lehre, Universität Wuppertal, together with Lukas Bishop. 5th-6th & 25th-26th June 2017
Workshop, ‘Change management’, University of Regensburg. 21st-22nd June 2017
Module ‘Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement’, VM I MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer 7th-9th September 2017 (module coordinator)
Seminar ‘Qualitative Methoden (mit Inhaltsanalyse und MaxQDa). GM VII Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung II, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, summer term 2017
Colloquium ‘English for scientific purposes: Presenting, Publishing, Peer Review – advanced level’. German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, summer term 2017
Workshop ‘Qualitätsmanagement für Wissenschaftseinrichtungen’, Augustinerkloster, Erfurt. ZWM workshop 24th-26th July 2017
Lecture ‘Qualitative Methoden’, Basismodul IV, MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, 8th February 2017
Module ‘Evaluation und Qualitätsmanagement‘, VM I, MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer 15th-17th September 2016 (module coordinator)
Seminar ‘Inhaltsanalyse’, GM VII Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung II, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, summer term 2016
Lecture ‘Über Kapital, Habitus und Kultur’, Basismodul I MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences, Speyer
Lecture ‘Qualitative Methoden’, Basismodul IV, MPA Wissenschaftsmanagement, German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer, 13th October 2015
Workshop ‘Qualität: Auf der Suche nach Definitionen’, Summer School 2015 Institute for Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin, 14th September 2015
Workshop ‘Die Evaluation einer Zentralverwaltung: Ein Fallbeispiel’, Summer School 2015 Institute for Social Sciences, Humboldt University, Berlin, 14th September 2015
Seminar ‘Die PISA Studie: Methoden, Maßnahmen, Missverständnisse’, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, University of Würzburg, 20th February 2014
Seminar ‘Teacher Education in Great Britain: it’s all about professional development’, Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, University of Würzburg, 18th February 2013
Seminar ‘Gute Lehre in der Medizin’, mentoring.med programme for qualified female doctors, University of Würzburg, 12th June 2012
Workshop ‘Qualitätsmanagement an Hochschulen: Ein Überblick’, University of Duisburg-Essen, 14th May 2012
Lecture ‘Quality Assurance in German Higher Education and in Würzburg, Würzburg-Umea University Exchange Programme, 26th April 2012
Seminar ‘British Schools and Universities: How do they work?’ Zentrum für Lehrerbildung, University of Würzburg, 22nd September 2011
Seminar ‘Theory of Transition and its application to German Higher Education’, MSc in Comparative and International Education (Central and East European programme), Department of Education, University of Oxford, 19th January 2009
Seminar ‘Fieldwork in the Context of German Higher Education: methodological challenges and considerations’, Comparative and International Education Seminar, Department of Education, University of Oxford,13th November 2007
Lecture ‘A different kind of school: Eton College’, Summer School, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford, 7th July 2007
Tutorial ‘Education in Germany’, Department of Education, University of Oxford, 7th May 2007
Tutorial ‘The PISA Study and the Bologna Process’, Department of Continuing Education, University of Oxford, 7th March 2007
Seminar ‘Preparing interviews in schools’, PGCE programme, Department of Education, University of Oxford, 9th November 2006
Seminar ‘Evaluation Culture in German Higher Education’, Higher Education Research Symposium, New College, University of Oxford, 28th April 2006