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Margaret Winck

Margaret Winck ist am 20.5.2023 im Alter von 77 Jahren verstorben.

Zur Person

  • Born 1946, near Sheffield, England.
  • As from 1951 I attended - although I did not realise it at the time - an experimental Primary School in the West Riding of Yorkshire (seldom whole-class teaching, mainly task-based, differentiated group work (Freiarbeit, Stationenlernen!), subjects such as Astronomy ...), then went on to a conventional Grammar School, which was converted whilst I was in the sixth form into a large comprehensive school with almost 1800 pupils.
  • Between school and university I spent some months in charge of a Reception Class in a primary school. I then went on to study English Literature & Language at Leicester University.
  • In 1968 I came to Germany as Lektorin at the Aufbaugymnasium in Mössingen for one year. From 1969 to 2000 I worked for the Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung in Tübingen, in a variety of projects (mainly teacher education) involving language teaching (ELT, DaF) and area studies (Europe) in distance education mode.
  • Over the past thirty years I have worked on many language study textbooks for schools and have recently co-authored a course for the primary sector.


Special Interests

Classroom English in the Primary School, Oral skills (esp. Phonetics and Pronunciation), Writing skills, Construction of learning materials.


Publikationen (seit 1996, Auswahl)

Colour Land, Let’s Check 4.
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2005, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig

Colour Land, Let’s Check 3.
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2005, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig

Colour Land, Teacher's Book 4.
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2005, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig

Colour Land 4. Activity Book mit CD-ROM.
von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2004 Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig

Colour Land 4. Pupil’s Book.
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2004, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig

Colour Land, Teacher's Book 3.
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2005, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig.

Colour Land 3. Activity Book mit CD-ROM.
von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2004, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig.

Colour Land 3. Pupil’s Book
Von Margit Dörr, Birgit Gegier, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck
2004, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig.

Colour Land, Teacher´s Book 2.
Von Christiane Frey, Christof Schmidt, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck, Ute Wirth, Eleonore Zantner
2003, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig.

Colour Land, Pupil´s Book 2.
Von Christiane Frey, Christof Schmidt, Jutta Stephany, Margaret Winck, Ute Wirth, Eleonore Zantner.
2003, Ernst Klett Grundschulverlag, Leipzig.

Seit 2003 Colour Land, Englischlehrwerk (mit Begleitmaterialien (CDs, Story Cards, Flashcards, Schülerportfolio ...)) für die Grundschule ab Klasse 1 (Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Rheinland-Pfalz).

(1999) Winck, Margaret What is Europe? and the Virtual European Forum (CEFES)- two distance education models for international European Studies. Paper given at the St. Petersburg State Technical University, Europarat Seminar European Studies: new challenges and perspectives - European Studies at Technical Universities, St. Petersburg, 1 -3 July 1999 (For the Directorate of Education, Culture and Sport (Higher Education and Research Division), Europarat, Strasbourg.

(1999) Education in Britain. Zentrum für Fernstudien und universitäre Weiterbildung, Universität Koblenz-Landau (180S)

(1999) (mit H. Winck) Variationen. Materialienbuch 3. Open University, Milton Keynes (Study units 5 & 6 of the second-level university course in German

(1999) (mit H. Winck) Variationen Materialienbuch 4. Open University, Milton Keynes (Study units 7 & 8 of the second-level university course in German)

(1998) Winck, Margaret/ Chambers Ellie. Evaluation of Transnational Telematic Teaching and Learning: The CEFES Project. In: Proceedings of EDEN Conference: Universities in a Digital Era, Transformation, Innovation and Tradition. Bologna.

(1997) Winck, M. European Studies and Distance Education in Europe. Paper for the Working Party on European Studies for Democratic Citizenship of the Council of Europe (DECS-HE 97/87) Europarat: Strasbourg. 30S.

(1997) Winck, M. Aspects of Language in an International Computer Conferencing Environment. Paper presented at the International Workshop: Knowledge Transfer in Europe. DIFF, Tübingen 8/9 September 1997, Manuskript.

(Ab 1995) Learning English - Green Line/Red Line/ Orange Line New: Lehrbücher und Begleitmaterialien für das Gymnasium/Realschule/Hauptschule. Klassenstufen 5-8) Ernst Klett Verlag: Stuttgart (mit mehreren Autoren)

(1996). Winck, M. & Chambers, E. Same difference? Experience of a European distance education course in two cultures. An evaluation report. (58 S.) Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung.(1996) Winck, M. Quality assurance in a European course. Paper presented at the conference ”Quality Assurance and Distance Education. Improving the Future”; Distance Learning Unit, University of Sheffield, 24.-26.9.1996.

(1996) Fernstudium - allgemeine Informationen. In: DIFF (Hg.) Planung, Entwicklung, Durchführung von Fernstudienangeboten: Eine Handreichung. (S. 9 - 24)

(1995) Winck, M. & Shelley, M. (Hrsg.) Aspects of European Cultural Diversity. Milton Keynes: The Open University & London, New York: Routledge.

Bearbeitung/Ergänzung von Studienmaterialien

(1997). Schröder, K. (Bearb. Winck, M. ) Sprachen in Europa. Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung.

(1996) Kaschuba, W., (Bearb. Müller H.-J. & Winck, M. ) Alltagsleben in Europa. Tübingen: Deutsches Institut für Fernstudienforschung.